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About Us

Getting to Know Us

Windward Risk Managers is an established industry leader in the home insurance marketplace. Our extensive experience and profound understanding of the homeowners insurance sector enables us to provide deft, cost-effective solutions tailored to the specific needs of insurance carriers. In addition, our commitment to operational excellence has streamlined our processes over the years, allowing us to efficiently manage an expanding portfolio of carriers. We leverage our expertise to deliver strategic insights and robust support, empowering the home insurance carriers we manage to excel in a competitive landscape.

Who we are

Windward Risk Managers is the expert management team behind premier homeowners insurance carriers - Florida Peninsula Insurance Company, Edison Insurance Company, and Ovation Home Insurance Exchange. We have a lengthy track record of managing carriers providing first-class insurance solutions at competitive prices, along with a superior claims and customer experience.

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Our Leaders

The Windward Risk Managers leadership team collectively applies their vast knowledge and years of industry experience to guide the carriers we manage toward the most innovative and effective homeowners insurance tools, technologies, and processes.

Our Expertise

At Windward Risk Managers, we’re able to provide specialized, scalable services to home insurance carriers so they can focus on their core competencies, product development, and strategic growth.

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Contact Us

Insuring your home is one of the most important decisions you may make. Visit our carrier partner's pages to learn more about how they can meet your individual homeowners insurance needs and easily get a quote. Select one of our carrier partners below or call your agent today.